Author: Scrolla

The DA says the impeached judge’s appointment is a conflict of interest and weakens the independence of South Africa's judiciary
Plans called off for MK supporters to march to the ANC headquarters to support Msholozi.

Go to Jail, Concourt tells Zuma

Former President Jacob Zuma is having medical treatment in Russia after losing the latest round of his battle to stay out of jail

Wife puts big squeeze on the family jewels

He thought that buying his wife a cake for her birthday and surprising her would go a step towards resolving their marital issues - but this lady is not the peace-making kind.

“I have always been a cheater” – Ryan Giggs

Former footballer Ryan Giggs admitted to a court that he has always been a “love cheater” but denied ever assaulting his former girlfriend, Kate Greville.

Four killed in police shootout with alleged robbers

When the dust settled, four lifeless bodies were sprawled across the freeway or slumped inside a bullet-riddled Mercedes-Benz, with pistols scattered on the road.


Bitou Mayor Peter Lobese is playing with the lives of poor child footballers. In 2017 he publicly gave the local club a R50,000 display cheque. Three years later the kids haven’t yet got a cent, while the municipality has spent plenty on itself.

Biting Bitou bit by bit

In three years that Bitou's Mayor has not paid the R50,000 owed to child footballers (see FOUL PLAY), his government has spent plenty on itself


There was a party mood in the streets of locked-down Alexandra on Sunday afternoon as a convoy of flashy cars gave food parcels to the poor and threw thousands of Rands into the air.


Ask any woman and they will tell you that the hairdressers, nail manicurists and beauty salon owners that usually do a thriving business in the townships are an essential service. So the township beauty industry has now gone underground.

Coronavirus could stay in air

Coronavirus seems to hang in the air in crowded spaces or rooms without ventilation.

Playing Chicken

An American police department is warning the public to watch out for an “aggressive chicken” that has “failed to engage in proper social distancing”.

Swallowing a rock

Poor @tito_mboweni, free but not free. “Not so long ago, I was a free man,” he tweeted on Tuesday.

Coronavirus 2

American scientists have found a new strain of the coronavirus – and it looks to be more contagious than the early versions.  As well as...

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