Wife puts big squeeze on the family jewels

Lungi Langa

He thought that buying his wife a cake for her birthday and surprising her would go a step towards resolving their marital issues – but this lady is not the peace-making kind.

Instead, the man’s cop wife allegedly assaulted him and squeezed his testicles until they bled before beating him with a broomstick until it broke.

According to the 49-year-old man from Illovo in KwaZulu-Natal, their marriage problems began when she suspected him of having an affair. He claims that she once held him at gunpoint and made him phone the woman she was suspicious of and made him call off the relationship.

But that was just the start of her troubles and now the man says that his efforts to save his 15 years of marriage did nothing to ease the unbearable pain.

He said his wife had left their home around 12pm the day before her birthday on 8 August without saying where she was going.

“When she came back the next day at 6.30pm, I surprised her with a cake and asked to speak to her privately,” he said.

“I asked her if she remembered that she was a wife and asked her why she hit me in front of our children. She told me she didn’t have the answer to either question.”

Then according to him she punched him in the face and they started fighting – and then she grabbed his testicles.

“She held me by my testicles until I felt weak and lost my energy and started bleeding,” he said.

He said his children found him lying on the floor in the bedroom and tried to call the neighbours, but the wife wasn’t finished.

“She came back and started beating me with a broom until the broomstick broke,” the man said.

According to him, this is not the first time he has suffered at the hands of his wife.

The first time was three years ago when she came into the bathroom while he was bathing and cocked her gun. She instructed him to phone a woman she suspected he was having an affair with and end the relationship.

“I did that at gunpoint,” he said.

In 2020 she pistol-whipped him above the eye with her police gun after a neighbour accused him of sleeping with his wife.

He said he reported the matter to the police. He was told to take the issue to court and he got a protection order against his wife.

His wife wouldn’t let this go without a fight, she also got a protection order against him, claiming he hit her.

The couple have opened assault charges against each other and they both appeared in Mbumbulu Magistrate court on Tuesday.

Lieutenant Colonel Nqobile Gwala confirmed that counter charges of assault were being investigated by KwaMakhutha police.

“Both suspects were charged and they appeared before the magistrate’s court. The matter was adjourned to 1 September,” said Gwala.


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