Babes Wodumo teases new boyfriend

Gqom’s very own queen, Babes Wodumo, set the internet on fire, first flaunting her fresh romance with Sabelo Zuma, and then hitting us with a throwback to her and late hubby, Mampintsha, comparing their love saga to that of Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

The “Wololo” hitmaker, not ready for the keyboard warriors’ backlash, smartly flicked the “comments off” switch.

Amidst rumours of her cosying up with Sabelo, South African singer-songwriter Babes hasn’t yet dished out the official announcement. 

But, a sneaky snap with her new partner, all loved up with green hearts galore, suggests a new love story growing in the land of gqom.

Zimoja reported that Babes and Zuma are all tangled up in love. 

Not forgetting her late former husband, Mampintsha, Babes paid a heartfelt tribute, captioning a nostalgic pic with him, “Ngashada Ngaba Nengane,” which has everyone grabbing for the tissues.

Pictured above: Babes Wodumo. 

Image source: X


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