Teachers mock government’s fake sanitiser

Zukile Majova

Teachers at Mbodleni High School in Mount Frere, Eastern Cape, have accused local government of supplying ineffective hand sanitisers to local schools.

An effective alcohol-based hand sanitiser must contain between 60% and 70% alcohol to remove any traces of the coronavirus on hands and surfaces.

In their test, the teachers used a burning match to test for the presence of alcohol on three types of hand sanitiser – including the one supplied by the state.

As the video shows, the state-supplied sanitiser is water based, so not effective for removing traces of coronavirus.

This video has gone viral on social media, mocking the government’s procurement policies and the tender system that often benefits unscrupulous suppliers, while short changing the beneficiaries.

Yusuf Cassim, DA EC Shadow MEC for Education, says he has seen the Mbodleni teachers’ test. He says the supplied sanitisers cost five times more than the retail price, and is concerned that other supplied protective equipment could be shoddy. “There is currently no quality control because suppliers deliver directly to the school and the principals sign for the equipment.”


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