It’s official: New York is covered in kak

Experts have told New Yorkers that there is so much dog poop on sidewalks that they should take off their shoes whenever they go inside.

Researchers at New York’s Marymount College have found that the city’s streets are caked in so much excrement that you’ll probably step in some whenever you leave the house.

“Taking your shoes off is a no-brainer,” the study’s researcher Alessandra Leri told Gothamist.

Leri said that she and her team went around the streets of the rich Upper East Side taking samples off the floor with sterile pipettes.

The study comes after dog ownership exploded during the pandemic, with people buying new pups to keep them company while they were banished indoors.

And more dogs meant only one thing: more poop.

In the post-Covid years, the presence of excrement on the city’s streets has become notorious, with the city having to bring in a new R4,500 fine for anyone caught leaving dog mess on the street.

The study also found that much of the poop gets trudged inside, with indoor carpets containing an alarming amount of excrement.

Compiled by Arthur Greene


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