Trump and Musk step up war on South Africa

By Zukile Majova

  • US President Trump and Elon Musk claim white South Africans face unfair treatment and should move to Europe and the United States.
  • Musk backs social media posts saying white South Africans would benefit European countries if allowed to move there.

US President Donald Trump’s right-hand man, Elon Musk, has continued his attack on South Africa by supporting a call to encourage more white South Africans to move to Europe and the USA.

This comes just days after Trump accused President Cyril Ramaphosa’s government of “confiscating land, and treating certain classes of people very badly.”

On Tuesday, Musk endorsed a tweet by well-known right-wing data scientist Jonatan Pellesen, who claimed that white South Africans were being harassed because of their race in their home country.

“Also, white South Africans are one of the few population groups that are fiscally positive when immigrating to Europe.

“We should allow more immigration of white South Africans.”

Musk, who was born in South Africa, has a long history of spreading baseless claims from right-wing groups in the country that there is a genocide against white farmers.

On Monday, Musk dismissed Ramaphosa’s explanation that the Expropriation Act was not intended to confiscate land from white South Africans.

“The recently adopted Expropriation Act is not a confiscation instrument,” Ramaphosa explained, “but a constitutionally mandated legal process that ensures public access to land in an equitable and just manner as guided by the Constitution.”

The billionaire owner of SpaceX fired back, asking: “Why do you have openly racist ownership laws?”

Pictured above: Elon Musk. 

Source: @elonmusk


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