Traditional leaders dump Cope for MK

By Doreen Mokgolo

Freedom in South Africa (Fisa) has dumped the Congress of the People (Cope). It is now in talks with the All African Alliance Movement (AAAM), an organisation of church leaders who have endorsed the uMkhonto Wesizwe party (MK). 

This is after Fisa members were left high and dry, waiting for hours to attend Cope’s manifesto launch in Stinkwater, Hammanskraal, on Saturday. 

Fisa, a group of traditional leaders, is advocating for a constitutional monarchy that calls for South Africa’s traditional kingdoms to lead the country.

The party did not register to compete in the upcoming elections on 29 May because it could not raise enough money and the membership numbers required by the Independent Electoral Commission. They then signed an alliance deal with Cope.

Kgoshi Nthai Monnye Malatji, Fisa’s leader, said in a video statement that the organisation will no longer work with Cope but will liaise with AAAM about how best to support MK.

“Cope failed to honour all the agreements,” Malatji said. “This includes failing to provide transport for over 3,000 people all over the country to attend their manifesto launch. We requested meetings with the leaders but they failed to meet with us.

“We asked for proof of payment for buses but they failed to do so. This leaves us with no option but to call it off and look for alternative partners. We refuse to be played by our own children. We waited the whole day for them but they failed to show up.”

Cope’s acting secretary general Erick Mohlapamaswi told Scrolla.Africa the party had not received any correspondence from Fisa notifying it of its decision. 

“We only heard through media inquiries about their decision. We wish them all the best in their next adventure,” he said. 

“If they wanted to collapse into Cope they should have made that very clear so we could expand our budget to accommodate their needs … that is not what alliance partners do,” he said.

Pictured above: Fisa leader Kgoshi Nthai Monnye Malatji.

Image source: Doreen Mokgolo


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