Teen arrested for attempted hijacking and robbery

By Buziwe Nocuze

Metro Police officers in Cape Town have arrested a 16-year-old boy for attempted hijacking, robbery, and assault.

The incident occurred in the Samora Machel area on Saturday.

Motorists and residents have welcomed the arrest, hoping the teenager will name other suspects he committed crimes with in the area.

A resident, speaking anonymously, said older people are using some kids to commit crimes.

“Not all of them – for some kids it is their choice, while some are forced,” said the resident.

In the area, most victims have been robbed by kids.

“It is rare to see older people robbing people; it is kids under the age of 18 years who are doing all these things. They need to be kept in jail so that they know that crime doesn’t pay,” said the resident.

Lunga Mahali, a 40-year-old motorist, remembers how he survived an attempted hijacking in the same area.

“Those kids come as a group of more than six individuals. If you are their target, they will pretend as if they are trying to cross the busy R300. Surely, you will slow down so that they can cross safely. That’s when they get a chance to attack you,” said Lunga.

He asked community members to play a role by not buying stolen goods.

“This will only end when residents stop buying stolen goods, or they must report the kids they know that are hijacking vehicles. Keeping quiet makes them guilty, and the same kids will sometimes rob them,” said Lunga.

Another resident said it is not easy to get involved even if they know the culprits.

“Reporting crime to SAPS is very dangerous these days because these kids have guns and they have a way of finding out those who reported them to SAPS. The ending is not good. “People get killed and some leave their homes because they were not safe after reporting criminals,” said the resident.

Ruth Solomons, spokesperson for Metro Police, said the arrest was made by officers who were doing crime prevention patrols on the R300 between New Eisleben and Jakes Gerwel Roads.

“The officers observed suspects assaulting and trying to rob two motorbike riders. Upon seeing the officers approaching, the suspects ran in different directions, and officers managed to arrest a 16-year-old suspect,” said Solomons.

The suspect confirmed that his parents were at work.

Pictured above: A 16-year-old suspect was arrested for attempted robbery, hijacking, and assault in the Samora Machel area in Cape Town.

Image source: Supplied


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