Muti murder confession sends police on wild goose chase

Kamogelo Olaitan

For two days the Seshego police dug up the entrances of several different business premises in the hope of finding body parts following allegations of a ritual murder that took place 16 years ago.

So far the police have dug up nothing.

But the alleged murder victim’s family believe that the remains of their brother Ronald Makgato, who disappeared at the age of 35, will be found.

Ronald, from Mamehlabe village in Ga-Matlala, Limpopo, went missing in 2006.

His family and police looked everywhere at the time, with no success. It was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

His father died a broken man in 2010, longing to see his son again.

The Makgato family may finally get closure on what happened to their brother after a relative confessed to his murder.

The relative allegedly confessed that he was part of a group that kidnapped Ronald Makgato in Soshanguve where he was working and murdered him for his body parts.

Studies have shown that the two motives for committing muti murder are cultural beliefs and financial gain, with the murderers believing that burying body parts at their business entrances will attract customers.

Ronald’s sister Granny Lebogo said the relative told the family that her brother was killed for his body parts.

She said he also confessed that the body parts were buried outside several businesses owned by his alleged killers.

“My brother was slaughtered like a wild animal by someone he knew. It’s heartbreaking,” she said.

On Monday and Tuesday the Seshego police went to the business premises with hopes of finding Ronald’s remains, but to no avail.

“We believe that the police will find my brother’s remains so that we can bury him and find closure. What happened in the dark has been exposed,” Lebogo said.

Limpopo police spokesperson Captain Mamphaswa Seabi told Scrolla.Africa that no body parts have been found yet but investigations were ongoing.

“Two suspects have been arrested and charged with kidnapping, murder and conspiracy to commit murder. They will appear in the Seshego Magistrate’s Court on April 28 for a formal bail application,” Seabi said.


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