‘MK wants a better life for all South Africans’

By Sihle Mavuso

The Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK) Party says it aims to help South Africa’s people finish the journey for a better life for all that started 30 years ago after the country’s first democratic elections, that could not be finished. 

The ANC splinter party also says it stands for good governance.  

This was claimed by Nhlanhla Ngidi, the former director general of the KwaZulu-Natal provincial government, who dumped the ANC early this year and joined the party led by former president Jacob Zuma. 

Ngidi tops MK’s provincial legislature list, making him a premier candidate.

He made his remarks at an Independent Electoral Commission event in Durban’s International Convention Centre on Wednesday where political parties in KZN signed the IEC’s code of conduct. They undertook to create a conducive environment for all to campaign freely.  

“Umkhonto Wesizwe … gives the people of this country an opportunity to complete the journey for a better life for all which could not be finished in the past 30 years.  

“Umkhonto Wesizwe stands for peace and good governance,” Ngidi said, adding that the party wants the May 29 elections to be free and fair.  

Thami Ntuli, the premier candidate for the IFP in the province, used the opportunity to galvanise support for his party. 

He said the IFP stands ready to step in and rescue the province from chronic maladministration under the rule of the ANC that started in 2004.  

“Therefore, we understand the anxiety in the society and history has called upon the IFP in KwaZulu-Natal to rescue the province. 

“We understand the task ahead of us, we understand the challenges, we know what needs to be done.” 

The chairperson of ActionSA in the province, Zwakele Mncwango, lambasted the ANC for using government events to campaign, saying that it gives them an unfair advantage.  

He also condemned the removal of the party’s banners in towns like Nongoma, Durban and Umzimkhulu, saying this means the elections will not be free and fair.  

Pictured above: Nhlanhla Ngidi from the MK Party, which he says stands for good governance. 

Source: Sihle Mavuso/Scrolla.Africa


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