Learner suspended after gun planted in his school bagĀ 

By Doreen Mokgolo

A Grade 10 learner at Nick Mpshe Secondary School in Winterveldt near Tshwane was punished when a gun was found in his bag at school. 

It is alleged the learner had gone to the bathroom and when he returned his friends told him to check his bag because some learners had placed a gun in it. 

He immediately reported it to the teachers and the police, who were at the school at the time for a surprise search and seizure operation.

The learner was suspended immediately despite claiming the gun was placed in his bag and did not belong to him. Two other learners, who were suspected of putting the gun in his bag, were also suspended.

This is the third incident where a learner at the school was found in possession of a gun.

On Wednesday, members of the community and student bodies marched to the school demanding the learner be allowed back.

The learnerā€™s parent, who remains unnamed to protect her sonā€™s identity, told Scrolla.Africa her son was being targeted and treated unfairly because he is a leader for the Progressive Student Movement in the school.

ā€œThe deputy principal was hostile when I approached the school for answers ā€“ she told me my child could commit suicide if he wanted to, but [they] would not review their decision. 

ā€œWhy is my child punished when the two perpetrators were identified [and] were ā€¦ physically assaulted by the security witnesses who even corroborated his story?ā€  

The president general of the Progressive Student Movement, Kabelo Nthekiso, said they approached the district education office about the procedure followed by the school because they identified flaws, especially in the number of days allocated for his suspension. 

ā€œTo improve security ā€¦ amapanyapanya must be deployed in the schools and stop loitering in the community,ā€ he said.

Gauteng education department spokesperson Steve Mabona said the department is concerned about the allegations against the learner. 

ā€œInformation at our disposal reveals that there was a search and seizure at the school on 16 February. Police found the learner in possession of a gun. The said learner is currently suspended, pending the outcome of the hearing [on 27 February],ā€ he said.

The incident follows days after a Grade 6 learner at Primrose Hill Primary School in Germiston shot his principal with a firearm on Friday morning.

Pictured above: Nick Mpshe Secondary School.

Image source: Supplied 


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