Grandsons arrested for the murder of their gogo

By Anita Dangazele

Two young men from Lady Frere in the Eastern Cape have been arrested along with their friend for the robbery and murder of their 71-year-old grandmother.

An elderly woman, 71, was reported missing on Friday in Ezinkampini Location in the Cumakala area.

Police spokesperson Captain Siphokazi Mawisa said her grandsons and their friend were arrested on Saturday.

“Yesterday afternoon, police were summoned to a scene where they found the body of a woman buried in a shallow grave in her garden,” Mawisa said.

She said a thorough investigation led police to the arrest of the elderly victim’s two grandsons and their friend.

Mawisa said police were still investigating the motive for the murder.

The three suspects, aged between 21 and 27, will appear in the Lady Frere Magistrate’s Court on Monday.

Pictured above: An illustration image.

Image source: X/SAPS


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