EFF leader lashes out at Zuma

By Zukile Majova
Political Editor

The EFF has just realised that friends fishing in the same small pond is not always a good idea.

The party’s politically friendly reception of Jacob Zuma’s Umkhonto Wesizwe is threatening to cost it votes in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.

EFF supporters have been seen at MK gatherings, including offering support to Zuma during his court appearances.

It therefore came as a surprise when Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, the EFF premier candidate in Gauteng, lashed out at Zuma, telling him to go back to his retirement in Nkandla.

“Nxamalala, please go home to rest. You had your chance. Zuma, you had your chance. For 20 years, Zuma was in government as a deputy president, as an MEC, as a president of this country.

“What is Jacob Zuma going to do that he did not do when he was a president?”

It is generally understood by members of both organisations that they would form a coalition after the 29 May elections.

Pre-election polls have predicted MK would receive a 25% share of the vote in KZN while the EFF is campaigning to improve from the 10% it received during the 2019 elections.

With over 40% in the bank, the parties are hoping they will beat the ANC and IFP in the race to form a future government for KZN.

But since the formation of the MK party, the EFF has been battling in KZN and has recently changed its campaign strategy and deployed its secretary Marshall Dlamini to drum up support in the province.

Previously, EFF leader Julius Malema said he had no problem with Zuma, adding that the two parties are speaking the same language.

“We are not far apart with the MK when it comes to policies. We speak land, we speak empowerment of our people, we speak the restoration of the economy to the rightful owners.

“And president Zuma, before he went to launch the party on the 16th of December, I would have met him around the 11 or 12th of December where we spoke about these matters,” said Malema.

Pictured above: EFF premier candidate for Gauteng, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.

Source: X


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