Cyan Boujee denies assaulting her manager

Cyan Boujee, the social media influencer and content creator, is hitting back against allegations of assault from her former manager, Wellington Malete. 

She’s even suggesting the eye injury may have been faked.

Malete took to social media claiming Boujee assaulted him over financial disagreements. He alleged that Boujee demanded payments before gigs and attacked him for refusing her requests for a Mercedes A45 as well as not managing her money to her liking.

According to Malete, Boujee’s aggression resulted from a confrontation about her financial decisions. 

He said she failed to show up for booked gigs, including those in Cape Town and still demanded payment for a booking in South Korea.

Boujee isn’t taking these accusations lying down. 

“You know me by now. If I beat someone up I’m gonna own up to that s*#t,” she said, The Citizen reported.  

She’s questioning the possibility of how she could assault a 49-year-old man and is moving away from her former manager to work with an agency.

Malete confirmed he’s pursuing legal action against Boujee, with reports suggesting an assault case was opened during a stay at the ANEW Resort in Hazy View, Mpumalanga. 

However, SAPS’s spokesperson couldn’t confirm any case registered against her.

In an Instagram story, Boujee called the situation ridiculous, stressing her move to a new agency due to Malete’s alleged poor treatment. 

She suggested the eye injury could be fake: “If you’re going to fake an eye injury there is nothing I can do.”

Compiled by staff writer

Pictured above: Cyan Boujee. 

Image source: X


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