Bikers give bereaved mom new lease on lifeĀ 

By Doreen Mokgolo

When Cathrin Mashego lost her two-year-old son in 2014 she thought her life was over ā€” but 10 years later, the Soshanguve resident is riding high as a member of the Smanje Riders motorcycle club.

Cathrin, 45, doesnā€™t yet have a bike or a motorbike licence but is ā€œsaving moneyā€ for both.

She tells Scrolla.Africa that after her son died she was in and out of hospital because of depression; everything around her reminded her of him.

Her doctor encouraged her to join a social group to help her stay occupied as part of her healing.

ā€œI approached [the Smanje] bikersā€™ group in my community to be part of them even though I didnā€™t have a bike ā€” and they helped me to recover,ā€ she says.

ā€œIā€™ve always loved bikes and attended their events. My challenge was that I didnā€™t own a bike and couldnā€™t afford one.

ā€œRiding on a bike I feel free and I am on top of the world. The bikers group is my second home and has helped me rebuild my life and start a small business to sustain myself.ā€ 

After six years in the group, Cathrin earned her stripes and was honoured with a bikerā€™s waistcoat.

To attend their events she uses public transport or hitches a ride with one of the members. 

Over the years Cathrin has opened her heart to helping children from poor backgrounds by collecting school shoes and backpacks for them. 

ā€œBeing in the [bikers] group and attending various donation drives, I decided to help those in need especially to ease their schooling journey,ā€ she says.

ā€œI also use my cooking skills to feed the beneficiaries twice a month.ā€  

Pictured above: Cathrin Mashego.

Image source: Doreen Mokgolo


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