Cable thieves come to fiery end 

By Doreen Mokgolo

Three burnt bodies were found at the weekend in the Withoek Plots area of Ekurhuleni, with a bag containing tools to steal cables. 

The area is made up of farming plots which are over a kilometre apart and is surrounded by abandoned buildings and an open veld.

Two bodies were found by cattle herders. The third was discovered by police.

These follow the discovery on 13 May of the body of a man found badly decomposed wearing a torn red Uzzi T-shirt and brown trousers.

According to cattle herder Moses Matlala, he and another herder found two bodies inside an abandoned container on Friday when they were seeking shelter from the rain.

“I tried calling the police but I was unsuccessful due to continued power cuts in the area after the Kwa-Thema transformer burned down.

“On Monday while walking along 12th Road I saw an EMPD vehicle and informed them about the discovery,” he said.

Brakpan police spokesperson Constable Audrey Buthelezi said the bodies of two men were found with gunshot wounds inside the abandoned container.

“One of the deceased males had a backpack containing tools used for cable theft. The area is a hotspot for cable theft.

“A third dead body that was badly burned was found not far from the scene,” she said. 

“Police are investigating two cases of murder and inquest.” 

The owner of the plot, Bros Mpye, told Scrolla.Africa that he wasn’t aware of the incident until he was informed by his neighbours about the discovery.

“My property was vandalised. I don’t understand how the suspects and deceased gained entry onto my property,” he said.

A concerned resident, Maria Mushwana, said she fears for her safety now that bodies are found in the area.

“Every month we wake up to a body found by the cattle herders. We don’t know if these bodies were killed somewhere and dumped here or if they were killed here,” she added.

Pictured above: Three bodies were found on Monday night

Image source: Doreen Mokgolo


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